Sunday, June 27, 2021

It Has Been A While

 Hello. It has been a while since I have been able to post anything. Crazy year huh?

During Covid we have been able to spend a lot of time as a family. We tried a lot of meals that we probably wouldn't have before. The kids have grown closer together (even though I don't think they would admit that). We bought a camper - 29 foot, Jayco Flight (more about this to come).

My husband and I both stayed employed during covid, by the grade of God. I know so many people lost their jobs, companies closed, it has been life altering for some many people. So I know that when I want to complain about my job I just have to keep my mouth closed and say "thank you Father for me still having a job." And I do mean that, I am so blessed and thankful.

I have been in a season of thanks to God for blessing me and our family for the many ways He has blessed us. 

The distance learning was a challenge all year but we did it! While I felt like a failure most of the time (I felt like I was a crappy mom because of the struggles my kids were having), they actually did really well. Tegan got distinguished honors, and Tenley and Teala also received great grades. On to 10th, 5th, and 1st grades next year. Woohoo!!

I think that is it for now. Keep your eyes upon Jesus, because God's got this.


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